Monday, April 3, 2017

Want To Watch TV For Free? There’s A World Beyond Monthly Cable Bills

While you could spend evenings in your friend’s living room or peeking through restaurant windows to check the score on the big game, let’s be honest, that’s going to get inconvenient after a while. Given the monthly cost of the average cable bill, it’s almost forgivable – keyword: “almost” – to resort to that kind of behavior.

The reason we aren’t advocating for setting up shop on your buddy’s couch is because it’s possible to watch TV for free; you just need to make a one-and-done purchase of an HDTV antenna to reap the benefits.

According to a late 2016 Fortune magazine study, the average monthly cable bill in the U.S. has now topped $100: $103.10, which is up from $99 in 2015.

What’s more, the report adds that cable bills jumped just shy of 40 percent between 2011 and 2015. A national media and entertainment research group found in September 2016 that 82 percent of U.S. households subscribed to some sort of pay-TV service. However, the study found that the most recent figure is actually a decrease from 2011 when 87 percent of homes here were subscribers.

For those opting out, the Leichtman Research Group, Inc. research study found that 6 percent of households who were current TV subscribers planned to cut the cord for good within the next six months. On average, those who pay for a television service are spending $1,200 annually for their entertainment.

For those looking to watch TV for free, purchase of an HDTV antenna could cost you as little as $7 or a little closer to $80. Still, either of those figures represents a one-time purchase that will provide you with major network stations such as ABC, NBC and CBS alonside special interest options like international news, classic movie, sports and Spanish-language channels. For more information on how to watch TV for free, call 1-973-287-5193.